Birthday Emails

Birthday Emails

It’s a sign of the world we live in that the only way I knew my birthday was coming up was when I started getting those happy birthday emails from loyalty programs. These offer to let me eat or drink for free if I bring a bunch of other suckers along to spend their money. Wow, talk about social obligation!


I actually meant to do a post on the offers I received last year, but never got around to it. And now it’s somehow a year later. Procrastinators win!


Birthday Emails


Now, I’m being a bit sarcastic up there by calling people suckers – yes, I realise these are businesses and they have to make money. I’m not actually against that. It just feels very commercial when there’s an implication that your birthday plans are dependent on special and the budgets of others.


I’m going to follow up next month with a collection of what I receive. Anyone want to take bets on how many offers I will get?


What’s the best birthday offer email you’ve received? Where should I sign up for some great offers?

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