#2015TheYearOfMe Challenge 6

2015TheYearOfMe Weekly Challenge 6

This week is about remembering your creative pursuits. Mine is photography, but I don’t tend to share it. I also sort of forget to do it – not out of a lack of love for it, but just out of a distracted brain like mine.


The 6th weekly challenge is to spend some time – half an hour if possible – of uninterrupted time with your creative pursuit.


Don’t have a creative pursuit? Just pick one and try it.

  • Snap some photos on your iPhone.
  • Spend $5 in a cheapo store and buy some coloured pencils and paper.
  • Sing loudly along with your favourite songs
  • Paint a picture
  • Make something out of duct tape
  • Pick up that dusty musical instrument in the corner and play it.


Creativity can be the easiest and cheapest (at least at first) thing to try as a new hobby.


2015TheYearOfMe Weekly Challenge 6


What is your creative pursuit? What will you do this week? 


One Reply to “#2015TheYearOfMe Challenge 6”

  1. I have been putting off and putting off learning how to use my camera properly. I even left the manual next to my bed and it has been collecting dust for weeks. So sad. Maybe I will find some spare minutes to pick it up this week.

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